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Calming Cross To Make Nationwide Debut

CalmingCross-article-300x200A unique and intriguing product called The Calming Cross, crafted by Classic Craft Mall Owner Marc Herring, will make its debut appearance Feb. 1 as a feature story in a magazine distributed to more than 30,000 homes across the nation. The item, which is crafted to fit the hand in such a way that it seems to help relieve stress and provide comfort to all who try it, has received rave reviews from his first customers.

“The very first one came in August when a good friend of mine, Beth McEntire Bess, was diagnosed with leukemia — and I crafted something for her to hold onto, during her cancer treatments,” Herring said.
According to Herring, the Calming Cross took off rapidly after he had made the first one, and people began to request them. “While I was polishing that first one, a guest of my store asked where I had them,” Herring said, “She thought they were lovely and I told her that was the only one, that I had made it for a friend. On the spot she and her friend ordered some and it became an overnight hit.”

Since Herring created the very first Calming Cross, he noted he has crafted and sold over 500 in his store, and that the Calming Cross is rapidly spreading throughout the nation. “We are now rocking and rolling at the Dallas Market show room, with associates who are selling them wholesale nationwide,” Herring said, “a good friend of mine is in the bereavement industry, and his industry’s monthly magazine decided to pick us up and run a story on the crosses, with the idea about how beautiful a sympathy or bereavement gift can be, to have something to hold at a time of loss.”

Although each cross is unique and special in its own way, Herring says he can add a little touch to make each one specific to an individual. “We have been woodburning on the spot — the number one requested item, other than names, are words of encouragement and symbols. If it can fit on the cross, I can pretty much put it on.”

Herring says that he feels the Calming Crosses really make a difference in helping people achieve comfort. “I feel these help people. I believe there is not a human being alive who has not at some point in their life felt lost, confused, doubtful or fearful — and sometimes we need things to hold on to,” Herring said, “Because humans are tactile creatures, we like having something to physically hold onto. In this instance, one size does fit all,” Herring stated.

According to Herring, he feels blessed to be gifted with the ability to craft and the inspiration to create the Calming Crosses, adding that he attempts to make them feel as comforting to people as possible. “Maybe something bad happened and you just need something to hold onto, and you didn’t have anything,” Herring said, “ So you put your hand out and there was no one there to take it except for God. What would it feel like to hold God’s hand? It would feel perfect, and that’s what we’re trying to make.”

Herring explained his long term dream is for the Calming Crosses to become even higher in demand so that he will be able to bring others in to help create them. “Everyone has pipe dreams — and this particular pipe dream is looking really good at this point.”

“My dream is to open up a workshop factory modeled after Santa’s workshop,” Herring said, “I believe that we can create anything that we desire, and that’s ‘make-believe’ in my universe. ‘Make’ is to create, and ‘believe’ is to have faith — not pretend but make-believe. I create with the faith that what I’m doing is good enough.”

Herring said he would like to thank the community for being so receptive to the possibilities that exist for all of us.

Reprinted with permission By Lauren Siebert Staff Writer